Which pics will I need... 'The Tale of Me & The New Baby'
To make it even easier to complete your copy of ‘The Tale of Me & The New Baby,’ we have put together a list of the photographs you’ll need to fill it in!
Click Here to Download a copy of the list to print.
Photographs You Will Need:
- 1 x Big brother/sister-to-be
- 5 spaces for family pictures
- 1 x Pregnant Mummy
- 1 x The Bump
- 1 x The Midwife
- 1 x New Baby Sonogram
- 1 x Big brother/sister-to-be’s sonogram
- 1 x Family Home
- 1 x Where the new baby will sleep
- 1 x Big brother/sister-to-be sleeping as a baby
- 2 x Baby Toys
- 1 x Big brother/sister-to-be drinking milk as a baby
- 1 x Changing Area
- 6 spaces for the amazing things big brother/sister-to-be can teach the new baby
- 5 spaces of siblings the big brother/sister-to-be knows
- 3 spaces of where the big brother/sister-to-be might be on the day the baby arrives
- 1 x gift chosen for the new baby
Please remember, ‘The Tale of Me & The New Baby,’ is a personalised Tale so that it helps each individual child. Therefore, there is no right or wrong way to complete it- use it to help your child prepare for their unique adventure.
*To respect other’s privacy, please ensure that you have permission to take photographs. Please also ensure that you have permission for any other children to be in photographs too.